Auto Service Systems
This is a Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) certified training school . Established in 1997 by Errol and Florisa "Tootie" Harris it has excelled in offering quality training to the automotive industry. In January 2014, the school was purchased by Jerry Esmay. We have kept the high quality of instruction at the level the Central Valley smog technicians have come to expect. Jesse Gutierrez has been a valuable resource to the school since its inception. We are very fortunate he is available. Auto Service Systems is the place to go for Smog Check instruction. - Jerry
About the Instructors
Jesse Gutierrez
Jesse has been an outstanding diagnostician in the automotive field for many years. His day to day industry experience with diagnosing and repairing vehicles is invaluable to the students taking a course at Auto Service Systems. As an instructor at this school since it's inception in 1997, Jesse is well known throughout the Central Valley as the go-to-guy for instruction. Jesse has held a Smog Check license since 1988 and is very familiar with the Smog Check requirements. Jesse started automotive instruction with Allen Test Products teaching CIOMA/CSSARA (California Service Station and Automotive Repair Association) approved courses on diagnosis and repair from 1988-1996. As a BAR certified instructor since 1995, a BAR EO/EI smog technician, Jesse has extensive knowledge about the Smog Check program and excels in emission diagnosis and repair.
Jerry Esmay
Jerry has been in the Automotive field for over 50 years. The first 21 years was in the industry as a technician (mechanic in the golden days) and as an automotive repair business owner for 12 years. He has held a Smog Check license since 1974. For 24 years he was a Program Representative with the Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Automotive Repair with a focus on the Smog Check Program. So one could say he knows the Smog Check program from the inside out. As a BAR certified instructor since 2001, he has been active in teaching state certified instruction to technicians and BAR representatives all over the central valley. As an ASE certified Master Technician, BAR EO/EI smog technician, and former BAR Representative, Jerry has a lot to offer to the new technician wanting to get into the business and to the experienced technician wanting to know more.
Why Auto Service Systems?
As customers we all make choices regarding our purchase of goods and services. Businesses compete by offering their products with variations designed to attract customers with different attitudes or needs. It’s the same with our business; we compete with other schools for your business.
You may have searched around and found that some of the courses we offer may be at a lower price. If price is your only consideration, then they may well be the better choice for you. We cannot be the low price leader because of the quality of the educational programs we offer. The experience of the instructors will offer you real world inspection/repair information that will assist you in being successful. As we say in our update classes, if you leave with one or two new pieces of information and “how to” repair a difficult vehicle, or save you hours in lost diagnosis time, then the price of the class was more than worth what you spent.
It is important for us to point out what we offer to satisfy your smog training needs:
We hope that this information will assist you in making your training decision. Only you can decide since only you know the value of your knowledge.
As customers we all make choices regarding our purchase of goods and services. Businesses compete by offering their products with variations designed to attract customers with different attitudes or needs. It’s the same with our business; we compete with other schools for your business.
You may have searched around and found that some of the courses we offer may be at a lower price. If price is your only consideration, then they may well be the better choice for you. We cannot be the low price leader because of the quality of the educational programs we offer. The experience of the instructors will offer you real world inspection/repair information that will assist you in being successful. As we say in our update classes, if you leave with one or two new pieces of information and “how to” repair a difficult vehicle, or save you hours in lost diagnosis time, then the price of the class was more than worth what you spent.
It is important for us to point out what we offer to satisfy your smog training needs:
- Our primary concern is your training and career success. We don’t give up on you unless you do.
- The instructors (Jesse and Jerry) work hard to make sure you actually learn something as you complete the required classes. This is knowledge that you can take back to the shop and use.
- We offer “Pay-as-You-Go” payments for your training. This makes a big difference to some who otherwise would be unable to get the training they need.
- We offer second-chance retesting for certification. This is a service that schools are not required to offer. Many require you pay and re-take the entire class.
- Tutoring for students who have difficulties in certain topics is included in our price. This can make a difference between passing and failing.
- All books and materials are included in our price.
- Tutoring for the State Smog Exam is included if needed.
- When necessary, we can help you to follow up with the BAR for clarification of your certification and other licensing problems.
- We allow you to repeat a failed class at no charge. We really want to prevent your failure, but sometimes taking the class over is the right choice.
- We have free popcorn, low cost sodas and bottled water during classes. This can help to keep you awake, attentive and learning.
- Our students have fun while they learn.
- We regularly send out a class schedule and newsletter.
- We take phone calls and emails seriously. We will make every effort to either answer or return your calls in a timely manner, and when you do call, you are talking to someone who understands the smog program and the class requirements.
We hope that this information will assist you in making your training decision. Only you can decide since only you know the value of your knowledge.